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A Little Off the Top

CAN I MODIFY MY SERVICE SELECTION AT THE TIME OF MY APPOINTMENT?No you cannot! Attempts to modify your selected service during your appointment could possibly forfeit the appointment and you may be charged 50% of your selected service fee. If you are uncertain of what service(s) to select please call for assistance. Service selection determines service time. Don’t waste yours or mine.
WHAT ARE YOUR HOURS?Tuesday & Wednesday 10:00 am to 7:00 pm, Thursday 8:00am to 8:00pm Friday 8:00 am – 8:00 pm Saturday 8:00am – 6:00pm.
DO YOU ACCEPT CREDIT CARDS?We prefer cash as our primary form of payment for hair services. However, for the grooming products we do accept credit and debit card payment.
DO YOU CUT WOMEN’S HAIR?If you are getting a traditional men’s haircut, then yes. If you are looking to save money by avoiding salon prices, we don’t recommend scheduling service here.
WHY DON’T YOU ANSWER YOUR PHONE?I'm closed, or busy giving a scheduled client my undivided attention, please text or leave a voicemail.
HEY, CAN YOU DO THIS HAIRCUT!?"Please don’t email asking if I can or can’t do a particular haircut. Everyone’s hair has a different texture, grows differently, lays differently, etc. The best suggestion I can offer is to bring in 2 - 3 photos of someone with similar texture hair and style you desire. I’ll try my best to satisfy your request.
WHAT IS A STYLE CHANGE?It’s a makeover. This is for those who wait 6 - 8 weeks in between haircuts and require more time than someone who maintains their hair weekly or bi-weekly. Yes, I charge more for style changes. It’s more work for me.
DO YOU CUT KIDS HAIR?Yes and no. Only if they are able to sit and cooperate in the process.
CAN I BRING FOOD, DRINKS OR SNACKS TO MY APPOINTMENT?"Absolutely not! Please DO NOT bring any type of food or drinks to your service. We offer cool refreshing water for those who may become parched.
CAN I BRING MY FRIENDS, FAMILY OR KIDS TO MY APPOINTMENT?"No! Only those receiving service are allowed to accompany you. Children under 10 years of age must be accompanied by an adult.
HOW MUCH IS A HAIRCUT?Please refer to the booking menu.
HOW DO I BOOK AN APPOINTMENT?You can schedule an appointment here online by clicking the appointment link.
DO YOU TAKE WALK-INS?No. Appointments only!
SHOULD I ARRIVE EARLY TO MY APPOINTMENT?Please arrive no more than 5 minutes prior to your appointment. Late arrivals of more than 10 minutes may be asked to reschedule.
WHAT IS YOUR CANCELLATION POLICY?Any cancellations with less than 24hours of notice are subject to a cancellation fee amounting to 50% or more of the cost of the scheduled service(s). Clients who miss their appointments without giving any prior notification will be charged in full for the scheduled service. Be mindful when you miss an appointment, I not only lose your business, but also the potential business of other clients who could have scheduled an appointment for the same time. When you schedule your appointment with us, you are agreeing to these policies. Your credit card will not be billed unless there is a cancellation or no show.
CAN I SET UP A RECURRING APPOINTMENT?Yes, I will happily set you up with a recurring or regular appointment. I have a lot of clients that operate this way.
WHAT IS A CUSTOM HAIR UNIT?The male hair replacement system commonly known as the hair piece or hair toupee, hair unit or man weave is a custom made and fitted replacement unit meant to cover up male pattern baldness.
WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A CUSTOM HAIR UNIT AND A TOUPEE?Custom hair units are versatile and allow the client to choose from a variety of styles that blend with their natural hair. Units are generally more secure than the average toupee.
HOW DOES THE HAIR UNIT STAY IN PLACE?A skin protectant and bonding agent made for skin and hair contact is used to secure the hair unit installation.
IS THERE ANY TYPE OF SURGICAL PROCEDURE PERFORMED?The hair unit installation does not require any surgical procedures and is easily attached using either special hairpiece tape or bonding adhesive. There are no damaging chemicals applied to the client’s hair or scalp.
HOW LONG DOES THE PROCESS TAKE?The process generally takes 2 to 3 hours.
IS AN IN-PERSON CONSULTATION REQUIRED?Yes! We prefer an in-person consultation. To schedule an appointment, please e-mail and provide 4 current head shots, (front, side, and back), along with 1 - 2 photos your desired hairstyle. Be sure to check out photos if you need style ideas.
HOW LONG DO THE UNITS LAST?Non based units generally last 2 to 3 weeks, while based units (polyurethane or lace) can last 3 to 4 months with proper maintenance and care.
CAN I ORDER THE HAIR UNIT AND HAVE IT SHIPPED TO ME?No. All custom hair unit installations take place here at our facility only.
SHOULD I PURCHASE AND SUPPLY MY OWN HAIR?Everything needed will be provide to you on your day of service.
CAN I GET THE UNIT WET (EXERCISING, SHOWER, RAIN, ETC.)?"You can perform normal daily activities with the hair unit (including exercise.) However, we do not recommend excessive exposure to moisture. This can cause adhesive separation which makes the installation weak.
HOW DO I MAINTAIN THE UNIT IF I LIVE IN A DIFFERENT STATE AND CANNOT TRAVEL BACK AND FORTH REGULARLY?Upon completion off your installation you will be provided with information and supplies needed for self-maintenance. A self-care video is available for those interested.
CAN I GET A REGULAR SHAPE UP WITH THE HAIR UNIT?Yes, we encourage you to schedule regular maintenance visits at least once a month to keep your hair unit installation in peak performance condition.
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